Anyone and Everyone is My Customer
When is the last time you conducted a business transaction with an infant? Babies are not likely to be your customer. Even if you manufacture and market baby clothes, your primary customers are the stores that buy and sell them and your secondary market are moms, fathers, family members and friends of the family. It may sound rather silly to bring up this issue, but I hear it all the time.
At networking events, in casual conversations and during meetings with prospects, I hear people state “My ideal customer is anyone,” or “Everyone is my ideal customer…” My response is “Really? You’ve got to be joking!”
Even if your company has a vast array of customers, your ideal customers—the customers you love, love, love—are not anyone or everybody. They are likely to be those customers who are easy to deal with, pay on time and buy repeatedly. Get to know everything you possibly can about what makes your ideal customers ideal. This will help you to determine the best way to attract more just like them.