Time is Money
One thing you will want to consider when moving forward with future marketing initiatives is how much time are you and/or your team investing in these initiatives? In most cases, it is likely not enough unless you have a part-time or full-time employee spearheading marketing strategies for you.
Also, are you or your team allocating time each week to do work on specific marketing projects? I suggest getting into the mindset of scheduling blocks of time weekly to focus on marketing, in the same way you would schedule meetings with partners and clients. This is an effective method of carving out time to focus specifically on marketing without interruptions.
The amount of time you or your team dedicates to marketing will determine your opportunities in securing a solid return on your initiatives. How do you decide what marketing opportunities to dedicate your time to? First, look at what areas of your business have the greatest growth potential with the lowest cost and risk involved. Secondly, assess how much you can realistically invest in these opportunities