Ever Hugged a Tree?
Are you a tree hugger? I am.
When I moved to British Columbia twenty years ago from Ottawa, Ontario, I was in awe of how big some of the trees are. After all this time, this awe hasn’t changed. I still feel the same way as I did the first time I stood next to a humongous tree.
As a goal-oriented business woman, I find getting out in nature is a perfect way to unplug, connect with myself and recharge my batteries. When I do this, I am in a better head space and more productive. This life strategy not only benefits me, it benefits my clients greatly. I am happier, more clear headed and highly productive as a result.
Tree hugging or nature may not be your go-to place to connect or recharge your batteries; it may be something different altogether. I know a colleague who benefits greatly from going to yoga during her lunch hours. When she makes this part of her regular routine, she is more productive and content.
You may or may not be a tree hugger. However, whatever gives you a power boost and reconnects you with yourself, more power to you for putting a strategy in place that feeds your soul.